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Note: This is a used/refurbished item.


The SpectraMax 340 is a vertical pathlength Spectrophotometer which measures the absorbances of the contents of the weels of a 96-well microtitration plate. It incorporates a hologrpahic grating monochromator which allows you to specify a precise wavelength, from 340 nm to 750 nm, for the absorbance maximum of your sample. The SpectraMax 340 can measure optical density (OD) by means of an Endpoint reading or conduct a Kinetic analysis which measures the rate of optical density change per minute (milli-OD/min).


Typical applications include Endpoint assays (ELISAs, performed in microplates or as dot blots), quantitation of cytoproliferation by MTT reduction, colorimetric protein assays, and Kinetic measurements (enzyme studies and Kinetic ELISAs).


Standard 96-well microplates, strip wells, and filter-bottom microplates can be used in the Spectra Max 340. The contents of the wells in a microplate can be mixed automatically by shaking before each read cycle, which makes it possible to perform Kinetic analysis of solid-phase, enzyme-mediated reactions.

Molecular Devices SpectraMax 340 Spectrophotometer - Used/Refurbished

  • Wavelength Range 340-750 nm
    Wavelength Accuracy < +/- 2.0 nm
    OD Indication Range 0.000 to 4.200 OD
    Read Time (Endpoint) 96 wells in 9 seconds (single wavelength), 96 wells in 11*N seconds (N wavelengths)
    Calibration Time < 1 second per wavelength
    Temperature Range Ambient + 4°C to 45°C
    Temperature Accuracy +/- 1.0°C
    Plate Mixing Duration Selectable: 1 to 999 seconds
    Display 2x40 character backlit LCD with adjustable contrast
    Dimensions  8.6 x 22.8 x 15 in.
    Electrical Requirements 90-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz


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